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学术报告:环境污染与修复系列讲座4:Coupled Biogeochemical Cycling of Soil C and N in a Long-term Agroecosystem Experiment (农业生态系统中土壤C和N耦合的生物地球化学循环过程)

2018-06-01 14:28:54

报 告 人:Dr. Sean Schaeffer




Dr. Sean Schaeffer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science.  Dr. Schaeffer is a soil biogeochemist with research interests in soil ecology, sustainability, and climate change.  His current research includes NSF and USDA-funded projects studying: (1) microbial carbon assimilation and allocation under drought conditions, (2) stability of soil organic carbon under biodegradable plastic mulches, (3) coupled soil carbon and nutrient cycling and retention in agroecosystems, and (4) the role of viruses in terrestrial biogeochemical cycles. Other research interests include, microbial carbon and nitrogen cycling in Arctic ecosystems, and soil processes in carcass decomposition islands.